
Tastemakers >> I DIE >> EmersonMade's (ie, Emerson and Ryan's) Home

File this one under >> extreme jealousy.  I die over this whole thing.

The couple behind EmersonMade (seen previously in one of the Valentine's posts) might have the cutest life ever.  Not to mention they might be the cutest couple ever.

I discovered this on design*sponge, who got the photos and interview, so all the copy in brackets is from there.  

[Ryan and Emerson moved from new york city to a seaside town in new hampshire two years ago. what was once a one-woman operation has grown into a full-scale business run out of a nearby historic mill.]

[We purchased the house about 2 years ago when we moved from NYC and we had to completely renovate it - it was a shambles when we got it! We wanted it to feel open, relaxing and inviting. The type of place that immediately puts guests at ease ... The floor was initially covered in a non-slip paint with sand bits in it. We had them stripped and found this old heart pine.]

[The fantastic sink was found on craigslist for a bargain price, and we had the butcher block built. We use it for all our food prep.  Ryan bought Emerson some initial pieces of ironstone for their anniversary and the collection just took off from there.]

I love the beadboard-backed open shelving ... and the butcher block .. and well, everything.

[photo above: We designed our pantry so that everything would be visible. We have mostly unrefined ingredients because we don’t eat sugar, flour and processed ingredients so we just line it all up in here and grab what we need.]

--I'm very impressed that they don't eat flour or sugar!!   And isn't that the most wonderful looking pantry you've ever seen??  I love everything organized into glass jars and no commercial labels in sight.

[photo above: This is where we eat! We wanted to be able to eat dinner next to the fire. It's open to the kitchen since that is where we spend most of our time. The table and chairs are from our collecting excursions. It sits 10-12 people comfortably.  We have those fold up chairs all over the house! if you want to have a party in the grass you can bring them outside! The chairs get around.]

[photo above: We built this fireplace with two things in mind, 1. That you could look straight into the fire, and 2. that you could have a place to sit next to the fire if you wanted. We incorporated all the original hardware from the previously non functioning fireplace so it looks like it did 130 year ago. The nautical map, on the mantle, charts the ocean from NYC to Maine - it traces our move from Manhattan to New Hampshire.]

[[photo above] This is our library. We have driven all over the Eastern seaboard picking stuff up. Everything in this picture, other than the sofa, are from our excursions.]

[photo above: Another view of the library! It is beautiful in there during the day because it is northern facing and gets no direct light. It glows with the reflection of the trees! The lamp is beaded chandelier with probably 30 little beautiful light bulbs.  when we turn it on at night look like little full moons behind the beads!]

[photo above: Laundry room sink and folding table. That rooms got lots of light! We got the sink from an old man who collected beautiful sinks in his barn way out in the woods! Emerson covered the old farm table with linen and padding to make it an ironing table. We make those little flag banners at EmersonMade and we have them all over the place!]

[photo above: We had to tidy up that beside table! Usually it is piled sky high with too many books about health, gardening and new projects! The books covered in kraft paper are Emerson's sketch and scheduling books for the EmersonMade line.]

I am not kidding I found that exact bed about two weeks ago at a closeout sale for $600.  I am kicking myself for not getting it.  ...and not just because I'll do anything to have my life resemble theirs.  Haha..

[photo: This is our front door which leads directly into kitchen area. Ryan's brother made the beautiful Emerson Farm sign.]

I love her style!  And I love that Ryan models for the line too.

I think they actually have a pet duck.  Or multiples, really, but one in particular is in their house on their blog!

Photos from design*sponge and EmersonMade website and blog.

Going with a theme today... street art...

This trailer doesn't give too much away, but I'm still intrigued...


(Faux?) Graffiti

Illustrator and artist Sarah Illenberger, who I've mentioned before, created these graffiti pieces.  

... which raises some interesting issues about graffiti ... is it still "graffiti," with its pejorative connotations, if a known artist is the creator, and if they are done rather ironically?

Sarah Illenberger website here.


Awning Glory

I just re-watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, and I was reminded how much I loved the long green and white-striped awnings on the windows of her apartment building. 

Aren't they chic?  They looked fabulous with the green door and overflowing windowboxes.

Here is the building now, and it just doesn't look nearly as lively without the awnings or the window boxes, and with a black door.

I Love Maps >> MTA Map, Reimagined

I love this reimagining of the MTA subway map by Julia Rothman.  She really captures the whimsical sense of being able to go underground and get on a train and pop up at somewhere else completely different and exciting.

Available here through the MTA Transit Museum.
Julia Rothman website here.


Grow a Garden Anywhere

How cool are these "vertical gardens" by Patrick Blanc??

They can be grown anywhere, as they don't weigh very much (they don't use soil), and you can adjust the plant types depending on how much sunlight the area gets.

I personally want one just like this on my balcony...

What if half the sides of buildings in New York looked like this??  Not only would it completely change the feel of walking around the city, it would clean up the air SO much!!! 

Though Patrick Blanc's website claims he has the rights to the term "vertical garden," I've been seeing this concept, also called a "living wall," a lot recently.  Here's a smaller scale take on the idea...

This succulent garden is from Flora Grubb, and you can buy kits from them to make your own.

Here's another succelent version-- I think I like it better frameless, and with the plants in less of a grid-like looking formation...

These frames (would you call them frames or planters?) are pretty, and Sunset Magazine's website teaches you how to make them and links to supplier websites. 

Here's a great example of one used on an apartment balcony, from apartment therapy--

Is this one growing veggies?? That would be so cool.  Also from apt. therapy.

Wooly Pockets is a company that creates clever recycled-plastic containers ("pockets") for creating a garden just about anywhere... check out their website here.

Sunset Magazine's website has a feature on creative vertical gardens like this...



If everything about mountain climbing resembled this...

I would be much more interested in it.

Aren't those Aigle boots amazing?  I would actually wear those in everyday life if I still lived in a cold climate.

From an editorial in Cote Ouest magazine.

It's All in the Presentation

I love that the Walker Museum chose to hang this exhibit showcasing items from their collection in the Paris salon style.

Sometimes, exhibits that are re-visits to the permanent collection can be seem boring and like the museum just wanted to save money by not bringing in something, but simply their style of installation makes this one much more appealing.

A portrayal of a Paris salon...
by Francois Heim
Charles X Distributing Awards at the Salon of 1824 at Louvre, 1827

via Curated.

LalaList >> Tavern

Looks like a nice place to spend an afternoon with friends and family, no?

By the same team as Lucques, AOC, and Hungry Cat.

Recommendation and photos from Oh Joy Eats.


Something to look forward to >> Colorful & Abstract Floral for Spring & Summer!

It's already pretty warm and sunny in Santa Barbara, but I really can't wait for full-on skirt and dress weather.
Here, fun, colofrul spring and summer looks by Tibi.

Second from right = obsession.  I know "one-shoulder" and "jumpsuit" are both keywords a lot of people cringe at the sound of, but I absolutely adore this number.  I like that the one sleeve you do get is a long sleeve, and the big flower keeps the all-black from being too severe.

All images from Tibi.com
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